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1,0 РRaskin Aleksander. When Daddy Was a Little Boy. М Радуга 1989 г (Б13952)
283,0 РFox Ralf. The novel and the people. M. foreign languages publishing house. 1954 196 стр. (Б12209)
253,0 РScience fiction. Наука и фантастика. Кн. для суд-тов. Л. Просвещение 1970 г. (Б12206)
253,0 РDoyle A.C. (Конан Дойль А.) The lost world. Затерянный мир. Л. Просвещение 1974г. (Б12205)
253,0 РМэрдок А. Murdoch Iris. Замок на песке./The Sandcastle. Л. Просвещение 1975 г. (Б12204)
253,0 РForester C.S. The Gan. London. Unabridged. 190 с. (Б12128)
253,0 РGordon R. Doctor in the house. Penguin books. 190 с. (Б12127)
253,0 РMurder on her Mind. Asteve bentley thriller. Cover printed in USA.160 с.(Б12125)
253,0 РTher Executioner Chicago wipe-out. Pinnacle books. New York city. 1971 с. (Б12126)
253,0 РJon D. A flash of green. A fawcett gold medal book. 1962 c (Б12124)
253,0 РHammond innes. The Blue Ice. New Zeland. Fontana. Collins. 224 c. (Б12123)
153,0 РWorld marxist review. Problems of peace and socialism. Volume 30 namber 11 november 1987 (Б7677)
79,0 РСлободкина Э. Принц, бывший Пятнаш. Пер. с англ. и илл. автора. М. Радуга. 1992 г. (Б6999)